Police Week Reflections
May 19, 2023
As another Police Week comes to an end it brings me again to thoughts about this profession, the people in it, and my role in it as I add another year to the more than thirty, I have spent in the policing profession. It is always humbling to learn of the heroism and sacrifice made by the women and men in the line duty while serving their communities. It is also with a heavy heart that we continue this, year after year, with no end in sight. Some years it hits harder with more tragedies closer to home, and some years it is more frustrating to see the community support faulter. So, I ask myself, can I make a difference? Is there something to do to help lessen this? To me the answer is in our young leaders, the sergeants that are going to lead the profession into the next generation and beyond. We need to choose them wisely, mentor them well, and support them with training and guidance so they can be the agents of change creating a better future for our officers and profession. They will be the ones to show the officers the proper way to serve, to show the community we deserve their support, and create the organizations that cultivate and embrace excellence. Maybe this will change the trends, maybe not, but at least we will try and put the profession in a better place. Maybe, just maybe, there will be a few less names to honor next year. I will continue to make this my mission, please join me.