Accountability; Is it really a bad word?
Aug 11, 2023
In the business of Law Enforcement we often throw around the term of accountability. We wonder when “someone” is going to hold a person accountable or a person is going to take accountability for their actions. It virtually always comes as being something negative or something to be done as a result of something negative happening. I guess this is correct, but looking at various definitions for the word, I don’t find a negative connotation. It is simply owning one’s actions, taking responsibility, and typically is used in the context of changing or correcting behavior to the desired behavior. Surely, this can be done with positive acts, can’t it? Surely, a supervisor can bring notice to positive behavior to hold someone accountable for a behavior and reinforce this is a behavior desired in the future? I think this would have more power when looking at the long game, as positive reinforcement always has a greater long term impact than negative reinforcement. Why do we not see more of this? Negative things are easy to spot, someone doing wrong is easy to point out. It takes some work to be positive, share positive, and promote it in others. Do the work and make accountability a tool for growth.